Liz P Mobile Massage Therapy

Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage generally uses a lighter range of strokes than Sports/remedial massage. However there are still many benefits to be gained from Swedish massage treatment, including release of tension in muscles, and increased blood flow around the body.

Swedish massage can be very relaxing – as muscle tensions are eased, pain can be reduced and joints can move more freely. Nerves are soothed and the improvements in circulation can result in increased removal of toxins and waste products from the body.

Mood is improved and the body is brought back into a more balanced and relaxed state. This enables basic body functions to be optimised, with less energy spent on stress and anxiety. 

​The benefits of Swedish massage are many and can help with relief of symptoms from many conditions, including arthritis, diabetes, migraines, multiple sclerosis, stress, and many more.

The treatment process

The initial visit will involve a consultation to agree the most appropriate treatment approach, once that is agreed a tailored treatment to meet your needs will be given.

Treatment can focus on an area of the body or you may prefer a relaxing full body massage treatment. There are treatment options to select from when booking.

Neck massage

Calf massage

 Phone 07557 300240   Email   Facebook @lizpmassagetherapy